So earlier this week I was having lunch with a friend and she said she was so proud of all that I accomplished this year. Of course, I thanked her and then waved away her compliment like most people would do.
But she didn't let it go.
As she began to remind me of some of the exciting and turbulent moments in 2013 (in both my personal and professional life), I was sort of in awe.
If you take a step back, you would probably feel the same.
I realized that so much happens in 365 days, and often it's difficult to celebrate our accomplishments...but that's the point of them if we don't take a step back and appreciate what we've overcome or experienced?
So, I wanted to take a moment to recap the last year of my life. I would also ask you to do the same and if you feel like sharing something with me, that would be even better. What have you overcome? What are you proud of and what lessons have you learned?
Here goes my brainstorming list....
1. L2 Books, a company LF and I started, turned a profit!
2. We wrote and published 2 well-received books in The Ending Series.
3. I managed to hold-down both a part-time day job working at a non-profit while juggling my commitment to writing and my time with the fiance.
4. I've started my own solo writing project that I hope to have finished by the end of 2014.
5. After The Ending became a best selling Nook and Kindle ebook.
6. We had our first book signing and write up in the paper.
7. I've been in contact with some of my favorite authors who I never in a million years would have thought I'd get the opportunity to communicate with.
8. Gotten horrible reviews....gotten FABULOUS reviews
1. My boyfriend and partner in crime celebrated eight years together.
2. AND he proposed in the most romantic, absolutely perfect place I've ever been too in my life.
3. My mom moved away, a difficult and strange transition for me that I'm still learning how to cope with and process.
4. Dennis, my now fiance, was in a mountain biking accident (which scared me TO DEATH) and had to have surgery. Thankfully he's doing well now.
5. We rescued our furry, fat boy Beast.
6. I experienced Yellowstone and Montana for the first time and it was absolutely amazing!
7. D and I took a road trip to Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon...then we stopped in Vegas :)
8. I went to more concerts in 2013 than all other years combined (including Backstreet Boys and judge me if you want to, but it was SO MUCH FUN!)
9. I had Christmas at my house with my family for the first time, which was really special.
10. I've had some health issues that I've been actively trying to far so good.
And the list could probably go on...but I already feel pretty satisfied.
Feel free to share some of your most memorable moments and experiences. And here's looking forward to a magical 2014!
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