Greetings, All! I know this is a little late, but despite being in the midst of day jobs and prepping for the Out Of The Ashes release on August 23rd, I didn't want to miss my July recap! There's a lot for me to be grateful and proud of this month! Here's a VERY quick recap...
First of all, LF and I had a blast at my annual 4th of July party. Sorry, no pics to share, but it was fun, take my word for it :) I was supposed to go skydiving the next day, so being that I'm petrified to jump out of an airplane at 13,000 feet, there was a small, dark cloud of my own celebration. But then skydiving was cancelled the next morning, so I was stressing for nothing. Great.
A day on the lake made up for it though! I love the sunshine and had an AMAZING day out with good friends and my Mr. Right. Sun, a couple of drinks, tubing, laughing, was a wonderful day and the perfect way to start off my July...and celebrate life.
I tried to be a bad-ass but failed miserably. After a day of skeet shooting, I was left with rubbery arms a bruise the size of Texas on my shoulder. That last part may be a slight exaggeration, but it was physical proof of how pathetic I truly am.
On the work front, LF and I released our second book, Into The Fire, as an audiobook. Woot! Woot! A special thanks to Natalie Duke for putting up with us...again.
I released my final novella in The Ending Beginnings prequel novellas, Jake & Clara, and LF and I released a compilation of all 6 novellas as an omnibus as well.
There's probably tons more, but it's back to revising I go. Until next time!
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