Saturday, April 16, 2016

Gearing up for Nothing But Trouble, Book #2

I've been lost in a world of wedding celebrations and travelling and family visits since, well, it seems like a year now. BUT starting at the end of this month, no more parties, no more planning, only writing and getting back into the author swing of things. I'M SO EXCITED!

When you're an author, not writing is VERY difficult. You live and breathe your characters, they mind-chat with you and they commandeer your thoughts at the most inconvenient times--when you're working, doing chores, when you should be sleeping, you name it. So not having an outlet to get your thoughts down on paper is SO DISTRACTING!

To be able to use my writing time to actually start writing again is something that will be both challenging and liberating. Challenging because when you stop writing, or at least when I stop writing, I get out the habit and find myself staring blankly at a screen, uncertain where to start. Liberating because there isn't that gnawing sense of "you should be" and "I really want to be" going on underneath everything else you're trying to accomplish.

So, again, I'm super stoked that after April 24th my life will be somewhat back to normal. And because I'm so excited, I've snuck in some outlining this week, ahead of schedule. Mac and Colton and their twitterpation are SOOOO close to being explored, it's making me giddy. Until then though....

Happy Reading!
(p.s. you know it's close to happening when I start my new story notebook. ;)


Twitter: @LindseyRPogue
Facebook: Author Lindsey Pogue

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